Weapon Dis-Arming

Weapon Dis-Arming

  • $100.00 Alumni
  • 4 hour course
  • Bring a towel as you may perspire
  • Contact us for Alumni Pricing

$100.00Read more

Weapon Dis-Arming

  • $125.00 Non-Alumni
  • 4 hour course
  • Bring a towel as you may perspire
  • Contact us for Alumni Pricing

$125.00Read more

This  is an active hands-on course intended to equip the lawfully armed concealed carry licensee(whether they are armed or not at that particular time) or  the unarmed citizen to be able to respond to a sudden, rapidly evolving, close quarter armed attack when there is no opportunity to anticipate and make ready a lawful armed response or avoid the situation through awareness. We will present a variety of weapons and appropriate responses.The concept of K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) will be stressed.

No complex martial arts techniques or strength will be required to master and employ the tactics taught in this course. Responses employing strikes will be practiced at force on force levels with the instructor wearing appropriate protective gear. Full force strikes will be demonstrated on a Century Bob mannequin. By keeping the responses simple and selectively few the individual is better equipped to stay ahead of their assailant in the situational awareness loop.

This course melds well with the total Defensive Tactics program that is broken down in small specialized sections to allow the individual to chose what is most important to them. This in no way diminishes any of the courses, as all are important and work together to have a well rounded approach to the complex issues raised  in protecting oneself in today's violent world. The confidence in having a trained competent response to a variety of different ways you might be attacked will help you avoid being overwhelmed and frozen in condition "black" and becoming a victim.

Clothing and footwear suitable to moderate physical activity is required for this course. Males please wear a hard cup protective supporter. Females please wear a supportive sports type bra. If you are unable to practice some of the techniques instructed during this course, you will gain the knowledge by watching and asking questions and, the instructor will review those techniques at appropriate speeds and levels suited to what your limitations may be.

This course is suitable for concealed carry licensees as well as persons who chose not to pursue a concealed carry license. We will provide prop weapons for practice to enhance safety and ensure proper execution of the techniques.